Who are we?

SpotOn maps a small business location coordinate to its phone number. Users can search the 11-digit phone number to find the business location in Nigeria. It also provides a marketplace where a small business can showcase its goods and services and receive payment with its phone number-based wallet.

Register on SpotOn

Easy steps to use SpotOn

Are you a small business owner?

Register on SpotOn now

  • Add your business on SpotOn and be seen by millions of users all over Nigeria
  • This will give you digital visibility and inclusion in this modern century.
What we do?

Download the App Now

How SpotOn app works

Understand all the features

How does it work?

Step - 01

How does it work?

Step - 02


If you have an address, you can:


You can find 6 amazing features

  • Satellite View

    Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nulla vitae.

  • Global Positioning System

    Get direction and navigate using gps

  • Save Favorite Addresses

    Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nulla vitae.

  • Offline Mode

    Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nulla vitae.

  • Social Sharing

    Share with people, family or friend using social media or text.

  • Access Everything

    Have access to everything around you such as restaurant, pharmacies, gas stations or supermarket